EFT Systems are an experienced installer and maintainer of all types of access control systems.
‘Access Control systems can be simply defined as the process by which authorised people (residents, staff, security) enters and leaves the premises and when.’
Access control can include lock and key, but more frequently in the modern security industry, means sophisticated electronic turnstiles, gates, wireless locks and other barriers.
Keys can be lost, stolen and copied, leaving assets vulnerable and requiring a replacement can be expensive.
Modern access control systems provide flexibility in respect of access rights. For example, access to certain internal areas or specific time periods.
Access can be based on biometric solutions such as facial, fingerprint and iris recognition.
EFT are an NSI Gold approved security specialist in accordance with BS EN 501327:1996 in addition to National Inspection Council for Electrical Installation (NICEIC) and National Security Inspectorate (NACOSS) for commissioning works.
For installations EFT Systems provides a complete installation. A one stop shop incorporating all electrical and building fabric service. We are a supporter of open protocol systems providing greater choice and ownership in respect of maintenance.