EFT Go Green | Solar Energy

By April 1, 2019EFT Group

In addition to adding 11 new Hyundai Ioniq hybrid cars to our fleet, we also invested in a 30kWp SolarPV system to allow the EFT Group HQ to be powered by solar energy from the sun.

We had the pleasure of having our brand new solar panels installed by Perfect Sense Energy – a Carbon Trust Accredited company providing energy cost saving advice and technologies that better the planet.

Gary Brandwood of Perfect Sense Energy says “On a bright March day, this large building housing 25+ staff with PCs, air-con, servers, etc was running totally free from the sun! Zero power being brought in from the grid.”

(Pictured – some of the new solar systems installed at the EFT Group HQ in Southport)

This is a huge step forward in our efforts to reducing our carbon footprint and to also reduce the impact this can make on the surrounding environment.

We recommend that every business reconsider how their company consumes and uses power, and think how those processes can be refined to reduce power usage and waste produce. It is all our responsibility to play a part in creating an eco-positive environment for future generations to come, and to educate future generations the importance of environmental responsibility.

#EFTGoGreen #CorporateSocialResponsibility